Monday Night Six Word Story 11.22.21

Welcome to tonight’s six word story!

Here’s how it works: Post your six word story in the comments below or post a six word story on your own blog and share a link to your six word story post in the comments.

Are you new to the six word story? If so, no worries. It’s exactly what it sounds like. A beginning, middle, and end of a story in exactly six words, not counting a title if you choose to use one. Which six words capture a story and help the reader imagine a lifetime, a struggle, an adventure, a triumph, a laugh?

What six word story will you share? If you are unsure about your writing skills, that’s okay. Give it a try anyway. This is a safe space to try something new. Let’s see what you’ve got!

Here’s tonight’s six word story: Truth

All who seek find something else.

Black and white image of person searching in the woods

2 thoughts on “Monday Night Six Word Story 11.22.21

  1. I love, love, love this week’s theme. And then I noticed I hadn’t read it correctly. Trust me to get a word wrong. I read ‘truths’ instead of ‘truth’. Almost the same. Truths, however, sounds even weightier. I’ve come up with little six word scenarios. Here are three.

    1) Truths.
    Wasteland in between.

    2) Truths.
    Reality shared.
    Sometimes not.

    3) Truths.
    Same old.
    Can’t be right.

    Thanks for putting the six word story challenge up! Much appreciated.

    Liked by 1 person

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